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Land Planning 

Scalar is comprised of qualified technical and professional personnel, who perform a range of general planning and strategic planning activities. We are prequalified in the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Planning Work Groups 13.3, 13.4, 13.5 and 13.6.

Our experience includes both large and small-scale projects. These projects consider both motorized and non-motorized travel modes, contemplate multimodal improvements (i.e., bike/ped/transit), and strive to achieve “Vision Zero” objectives, to provide a safe and balanced transportation net work serving all users.
Our approach for accomplishing transportation studies and the various components is to provide flexibility, knowing that each study may encompass different components and overall objectives. An important factor is working closely with local and state agencies to see their “plans” for a transportation project is thoroughly vetted, meets the needs of local stakeholders, and allows the project to proceed to future phases (i.e., Project Development and Environment (PD&E) and/or design).

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